31 05, 2017

Can I lease the same property year after year?


Provided you act in good faith and follow all terms and conditions of the lease, the lessor will consider giving you the first opportunity to lease the subsequent year. However, such opportunity will be granted at the lessor’s sole discretion.

Can I lease the same property year after year?2017-05-31T20:32:36-05:00
31 05, 2017

When will the timber on my leased property be logged?


We cannot provide a specific date or time of harvest. Logging operations are influenced by many factors including weather, seasons, ground conditions, contractor schedules, and market conditions. Logging may occur at any time of the year, including during hunting season, and we may not be able to provide advance notice for such activities.

When will the timber on my leased property be logged?2017-05-31T20:32:01-05:00
31 05, 2017

Are property lines marked?


Most property boundaries are not marked. However, the tree plantations roughly follow the boundaries.  

Are property lines marked?2017-05-31T20:29:17-05:00
31 05, 2017

Can I use an ATV?


ATVs are allowed to travel to and from stands and to retrieve game. Recreational joy riding is not allowed.  

Can I use an ATV?2017-05-31T20:28:01-05:00
31 05, 2017

Can I put up stands or blinds?


Yes, however, stands may not be secured to trees in ways that pierce the bark. Specific details are outlined in the lease agreement.  

Can I put up stands or blinds?2017-05-31T20:27:36-05:00
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